Rebecca’s Story

Kara and I have been friends for many years, so when she told me she was going all in with her soap company, I was ecstatic and couldn’t wait to see what her passion and talent would lead to.

A little about myself and my skin. My name’s Rebecca, and I’m 32. I have many health issues, and many of the medicines I take for those issues wreak havoc on my skin and hair. I take hormone replacements and this one medicine alone leads to small, painful acne. I also have a condition known as PCOS, or Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome, where my body produces too much testosterone and I develope things like thick, discolored skin and extra body/facial hair.

I’ve tried literally every soap that Wise Oak Soapery makes, the shampoo and conditioner as well. I absolutely love the brewed coffee bar to exfoliate my skin without being too rough and over-exfoliating any sensitive areas, or drying my skin. The lemongrass goat milk soap is the best soap I’ve ever used on my face. It gently cleanses away any dirt and oil without over-drying my skin, leaving it soft. This soap also eases the redness that my face naturally has.

Before using Wise Oak Soapery, I found myself buying body washes at Wal-Mart and Target, but feeling a residue on my skin after using them. Often, I thought this was the moisturizer and that it was “normal”. The scent would be overpowering, and I wouldn’t feel soft or really clean. Kara makes soaps that I know are good for me, and good for the environment.

Now, lets talk about her shampoo and conditioners. I have hypothyroidism, with this condition and medicine that I take, my hair is very thin, falling out and extremely fine. Normal shampoos leave my hair feeling greasy and weighed down. Wise Oak Soapery’s Goat Milk Lavender Shampoo cleans my hair without stripping away any of the natural oils that my scalp needs to stay healthy, and keeps my hair light. I don’t find my hair greasy the next day and can actually use conditioner without feeling like I’ve made my hair heavy. Anyone with thin hair will know what I mean when I say before using this, conditioner just wasn’t an option.

Wise Oak Soapery makes products that I’m comfortable standing behind as a woman with concerns about the environment, as a woman with nurse training and as a woman with health problems. I highly recommend that everyone give Kara’s products a try because I’m confident that if you do, you won’t buy anything else ever again.

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